The Service Of Vital Veggies
Whilst there’s a lot of detail in this website, you could assume we do many things. In fact it’s simple – we help people just like you, grow veggies at home in fantastically healthy gardens. When soil has a balanced mineral profile, an active biological life, diverse plantings with crop rotations and cultural practices to match; gardens naturally become productive.
Simply, Vital Veggies provides the best Veggie Gardening service possible.
What We Do…
- Take our own tested soils anywhere up to two years before they are placed in a garden bed.
- Add micro-organisms to the soil regularly
- Make and use our own biodynamic compost
- Use organic seeds and use our own seedlings wherever possible.
- Make use of mineral rock dusts to improve mineral balance and soil.
- Watch over your garden regularly to help solve any problems with plant growth.
- Advise and assist in weeding and pest control – though these are usually minimal if non-existent.
What We Ask of You…
- You water the garden
- Harvest the plants
- Communicate in a timely way with us, what you want happening in your garden and if you have any problems
- For you to be realistic with what we can achieve in the space we are gardening in and finally, accept how the weather has an impact on the results to be gained from your garden.
- First and foremost we want your gardening experiences to be enjoyable, fun and a great pleasure whilst providing food for the family.
What We'll Both Do…
- We’ll both agree to work together and honor the simple agreement that details our respective tasks.
- And we’ll maintain regular communications so we are sure we both get the best out of the garden for you.
Growing Your Own Is Better For You

Consider it - in the western world, one percent of the population grows all of the food; this historically low number is considered a measure of how advanced and clever we are, but perversely, it poses a massive challenge should anything befall this group. Increasingly it is a question of food sovereignty, which is but one reason amongst all the other reasons why we should have a garden.
Gardening is good for you and Vital Veggies makes it so easy for you to start. The team at Vital Veggies can supply the raised bed, install and fill it and then you select how you want Vital Veggies to support you once the garden is in place.
It's this Vital Veggie Care program which is detailed below, that really allows you to get your hands dirty and at the same time, to learn whilst doing. All the time the Vital Veggie Team is right behind you.
So here's our care program and there is a basic plan and then you can opt-in or at a later time out as it suits your needs. When you opt in that offer is one that is for a fixed period of six months.
Please contact the Vital Veggies Team to know more about how we care for your veggie garden. Further details are here about how long you have to stay on a care package, how you can change and the benefits you get.