Vegetable Gardening For Communities

At Vital Veggies we enjoy supporting local community gardening. Sure it's good to grow veggies in your own back yard, but "what if you don't have a back yard to grow in?" Its here you discover the many benefits of community spaces turned over to gardening.
Areas that may have been uncared for and even derelict can be cared for by local people and provide food. Even if it was a park or a lawned area, some of it can be shared with those that want to garden and so reduce the costs of this maintenance to local government.
We think community gardens are great places to be.
Benefits of community gardens
Here's a list of some of the benefits you'll discover by gardening in a community space.
- offers exercise whilst gardening
- provides recreation
- improves nutritional health
- it can provide for community kitchens
- offer demonstrations for sustainable living and lifestyles
- organic waste management solutions
- local and sustainable recycling of organic wastes
- greening of urban spaces
- facilitates self help
- improves food sovereignty
- becomes a community hub for meetings and developing friendships
- can become a tool to facilitate social inclusion
- can improve local enterprises - nurseries, markets, cafes
- can mobilize volunteers
- improves work skills
and it can do all these things whilst growing healthy, fresh nutritious food for the local community.
At Vital Veggies we are happy to work with communities regarding raised bed gardens, installation, soil and then service. The most Vital part of this all, is the soil and if that's all you were ever to call on Vital veggies for, we'd be fine with that.
None the less, we think using a basic level of service will ensure the gardens' fertility is maintained or even improved with time and this is greatly important to growing nutrient dense foods.
Please call us to discuss your community garden plans. We also can arrange talks on growing a veggie garden.